Campaign On How To Stop Online Scam


Social Change Project

Social Issue: Online Scam

Online Scamming is one of the many issues in the Philippines….

Many have felt heartbroken because of these scams that happened to them….

Many need help…

Many losses their moneys for nothing…

So, we must help….

We know that online scams can be prevented….

So, we must act to this social issue…..

Online Scamming can be treated and can be prevented by letting people know about what things they needed to know about online scams or about how to buy and avoid online scams…

Online Scamming should be prevented immediately to avoid issues…..

Definition of Online Scam

Internet/ Online scams are different methodologies of Fraud, facilitated by cybercriminals on the Internet. Scams can happen in a myriad of ways- via phishing emails, social media, SMS messages on your mobile phone, fake tech support phone calls, scare ware and more.


The people should have knowledge about online scams happening around them. People should have knowledge about how to verify if a website or online apps are verified or accurate. The people should think before they link because they don’t know if it’s real or not. People should avoid buying products from not verified stores online.

Through creating campaigns, post, info graphics and such in ICT platforms can help to tackle the issue of online scamming all around online forms to reduce or put stop on this online scamming scheme. Or we could also create website that people could visit to know what online scamming is and how to prevent it.

 Disclaimer: Credits for the photos from this websites: ,

By: Ciana Mae Ferrer

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